We've launched our brand new podcast: Prime Time Crime Time! Where we break down the best crime shows of the 70s and 80s and discuss how completely insane some of the characters, casual racism, fashion, and stories were. Listen now by clicking here!
Short Videos
We've done a lot of those. You can see most of them here from our sketch comedy group Funny But Mean which were included in the narratives of the live shows. In 2001 we produced Auditioning for Fellini and Citizen X a short created literally in the last century.
Strange Prescription started as a theater production company in 1999 with production of The American Gallery which went on to appear in the Edinburgh Festival. Since then the company created Funny But Mean, a sketch comedy group which has produced over 20 original shows that have premeired in New York and San Francisco, and produced several original new plays which have been independently produced and as part of play competitions.
Eventually ...
The Karaoke Monlogues
The story of a woman who found her own voice using other people's songs.
Past Programs
Cucks and Pecks
Join Blair St. Blaine as he teaches you the importance of winning on the internet at all costs. Listen to his most potent secrets on how best to smite your digital nemeses by following his three basic steps. This online guru discusses his own personal path to undefeated comment section battle and virtual emotional violence. This program was featured as part of Funny But Mean's Social Media Influencer Seminar.
Christmas Carol 2:
Scrooge Strikes Back
Take a fog-soaked comedy carriage-ride through Victorian London where Scrooge, newly refreshed with the Christmas Spirit, is now reborn. Armed with a new and fanatical devotion to Christmas, Ebenezer is launching an offensive offense on the holiest of holiday seasons. It’s up to a handful of fictional ghosts, urchins, and an obsessed detective to stop him or face one unholy night of jingle hell carnage!
Presented by the University of Santa Cruz Theater Arts Department. Directed by Danny Scheie, Written by Richard Ciccarone.
First Week
Second Month
Three Months
6 friends during quarantine work to keep themselves positive and keep moving forward. But their plans quickly go off the rails as they struggle with wine, voices, cats and boyfriends.
Third month
Punch in the Face
Five employees at Wright Durable Goods each give their account of what transpired on August 12th and the tragedy that occurred. Watch each individual story or the entire show!
Full video
The Trainer